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Fists in Solidarity


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The organization of VšĮ EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI  was established in 2010 in order to:

  • promote, develop and implement principles of the lifelong learning program in the field of non-formal education, development of social and professional skills;

  • develop non-formal education programs for specialists working in the field of social integration and socialization;

  • organize training, develop and implement national and EU projects in the field of social welfare and actively participate in the process of building a knowledge-based, civil society.

The main tasks of the organization are the following: 

  1. To organize non-formal education activities for children to improve 21st-century skills.

  2. To pass on to teachers the models of good practice used abroad and to encourage the use of innovations in formal education.

  3. To improve the competencies of social workers, their assistants and other specialists, to contribute to the increase of their professionalism in working with vulnerable groups of the society.

  4. To develop and implement national and international projects that contribute to the creation of social welfare.

Community Development Institute (CDI) - is a non-governmental and non-profit national umbrella association for sustainable development, education and social services. The CDI’s experience is based on more than 25 years’ work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges. CDI provides workplace for people from different ethnic and social backgrounds, and offers non-formal education in the fields of project management and employment skills.

Strategic aims:

1. Social services and inclusion

2. Improvement of the living conditions and standard of life

3. Strengthening of the democracy and civil society

4. Vocational Education and Training

5. Economic development

Variety of different programs, projects and activities, implemented in geographic area of more than sixty (60) municipalities covering more than a half of the population of Republic of Macedonia have positioned the Community Development Institute among the leading CSOs on national level.

CDI operates at local, national and international level, providing services and conducting activities in different regions, and in partnership, in various countries.

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The Associació Taller Baix Camp is a non-profit entity declared of public utility with headquarters in Reus, which acts for all the people with intellectual disabilities and their families, preferably from the region of Baix Camp.


Our model of entity bets decidedly for the integral and quality support to the people with intellectual disabilities, working to offer all the supports and opportunities they need to lead a happy and as independent and normalized life as possible, from the end of the school stage until old age.


Our most valuable asset is people and their abilities. For more than 40 years at Taller Baix Camp, all the actions and projects we carry out are centred on the person, attending to their demands and needs, seeking and offering them the necessary support to achieve their maximum social, work and personal integration.

Creativity and Educational Studio ARTIED is centred around the concepts of Art Appreciation and Art Inspired Education. Our moto is: “Art is meaning and helps us better understand ourselves, people and the world around us”. Our goals are in 3 main directions:

1) We want to encourage more people to slow down, to reduce stress levels coming from their daily routines and to enjoy the art of slow and ‘green’ living, in harmony with nature. One of the ways to achieve these is to delve into artistic challenges and to learn how to use art appreciation to ‘read’ and reflect on hidden messages in artworks. This helps us to rediscover ourselves and our emotions and to seek (and reveal) our own meaning in life.

2) We believe that art in all its forms boosts our creativity and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, helps us break with stereotypes and biases, increases our emotional intelligence, and recharges us with positive emotions. That is why we need to constantly nurture and exercise these attitudes.

3) We also encourage entrepreneurship and personal and professional development of art and crafts inspired people and work for ‘opening’ the cultural sector to people with disabilities. To achieve all these, we organise short educational and art appreciation sessions and creativity boosting trainings and workshops. We also organise special art sessions and activities for seniors and for older people living with dementia and Alzheimer to support their active ageing and social inclusion.

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ASSET is the Agency of the Basilicata Chamber of Commerce appointed by its "parent organisation" to manage its services for the economic development of the Basilicata, namely New Businesses Support Services, vocational and educational guidance, services for 

internationalisation, digitisation, technological innovation of the SMEs of Basilicata, etc. It is part of the EEN network and has partnered with several EU-funded projects: COSME, Erasmus+, EU4Business etc.

Being a public organisation, ASSET has no commercial purposes but aims at proposing and carrying out services and projects to start an economic ecosystem helpful for the start-up, development and improvement of local businesses. For that reason, it invests human and financial resources to carry out projects and activities about the topics listed above, proposes and actively participates in networks of public and private organisations, and co-operates with all the relevant stakeholders in Basilicata.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Number: 2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000155789

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